Where Are We Headed? Part 5
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Isaiah 25:1-12. This sermon was preached by Pastor Marty Bonner on April 17, 2022, Resurrection Sunday.
We will finish this series today. We started off by talking about the fine sounding promises of the elite of this world: creating utopia, everyone learning to get along, science solving every problem, etc. The problem is that at the end of every one of these promises is a road full of brokenness and being used.
It is not like science was invented 20 years ago and we just need to give them more time. The great powers of this world know that people see this, and so they build ever new forms making the same old promises. They manipulate us to rebel against the old forms, which they created by the way, and put our hopes in the new forms.
Of course, we should start asking ourselves a couple of questions. Can they actually deliver such promises? And even more insidious, do they really intend to deliver these things for every one? Perhaps, this is their utopia and it requires a seething mass of humanity in shackles everywhere.
Twenty-nine centuries ago, God showed the prophet Isaiah that the capital cities of each nation, even Israel, were full of sin and tyranny over the people. He promised two things: judgment on the cities and their elite, and salvation for the oppressed.
Let’s begin to look at Isaiah 25.
The world’s false promise of salvation
We should note that chapters 13 to 23 in the book of Isaiah are prophecies of judgment against each nation and its leading city that was around Israel. Israel is included in this series of dooms (Samaria in Isaiah 17 and Jerusalem in Isaiah 22). Chapter 24 becomes the climax and template for the book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ, or The Apocalypse. It is sometimes called Isaiah’s Apocalypse. It pictures the whole earth devastated under the wrath of God’s judgment. This is not just a judgment on a particular nation, or city. This is something that encompasses all of the nations.
On the heels of this, chapter 25 is essentially a hymn of praise, a rejoicing over God’s saving judgment in chapter 24. Humanity has been oppressed by other humans who have prostituted themselves to power, money, and even wicked spiritual beings who truly manipulate things on this earth. The day will come when God will unleash a final salvation of the poor and needy from the oppression of the wicked.
In some ways, nothing has changed today, other than the oppression becoming more sophisticated and deceptive. However, Resurrection Sunday and the Cross of Jesus the Christ is a reminder from God that He has not forgotten His promise. The death and resurrection of Jesus shows us that our greatest problem is not billionaires and an elite shadow-government. Rather, our greatest problem is our own sin and tendency to rebel against trusting God and His promise. In a sense, we are discouraged by the “success” of the wicked, and drawn into their world of compromise to whatever individual degree we choose. If Christ did not do what he did 20 centuries ago, none would be saved from the wrath of God that even now looms over this world like a dark shadow because we all would be complicit.
Chapter 25 speaks of a particular city, even though the preceding chapters make clear that all the great cities of the earth will be judged. It is called a “fortified city,” “a palace of foreigners,” and “the city of the terrible nations. Note that the term terrible has the idea of awe and fear inspiring. The shock and awe of the great nations of the earth is seated or headquartered in a particular city. This is parallel with the city Babylon the Great that is destroyed in The Revelation.
This city is the city that rules over the world, and has changed locations throughout the centuries. In fact, in keeping with Revelation’s harlot imagery, we should see the capital cities of the world as prostituting themselves saying, “Pick me! Pick me! I want to be the seat of power and authority in the earth.” Of course, they do not cry out to God and His Anointed One Jesus. Instead, they build an Olympus like system of oppression over the common people, and propagate themselves through a dog-eat-dog climbing of the mountain. Those who are able to raise themselves up out of the sea of humanity and sit atop the pinnacle of earthly power become the modern demi-gods of this world. Such is the true actions of Satan, always promising godhood to those who serve him and his purposes.
This “godhood” is not all it is cracked up to be as the “demi-gods” realize that they are simply slaves to the devil and his angels. The revelation of the One True God is that these beings will all suffer the second death and their greatness will be no more.
Today, we see this same model and struggle. The powerful cities of the earth merely struggle with one another for the “privilege” of being the next city that rules the world and oppresses at will, projecting power globally at will. This final city is the one that Isaiah refers to and John as well.
In verse 4, we are shown that the poor and needy are under great distress. The terrible ones of the earth blast against them like a storm against a wall, and like a hot desert wind serving as the furnace of their affliction. They need refuge from the storm and shelter from the heat. The elite have never cared for the average person of this world, the poor and needy. No matter how much they may give lip service to it, they only care about themselves in the end.
Verse 7 mentions a covering of evil that has been cast over the nations. This covering can also be seen as a veil. It has several layers that are spiritually connected. Ultimately, there is a veil of spiritual deception that has been instigated by the devil and his angels and cast over all the world. Second Corinthians 4:3-4 says,
“…even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.…”
Also, those powerful men and women of the earth, who have learned to also operate behind veils of intentions and actions in order to manipulate the masses for their ends, create evil covers. Of course, at our current stage there are often competing veils. However, even this competition is a kind of a veil. In the end, they are all on the same team working towards the same ends. Things are never as they seem with these people, and with these spiritual beings. There is always enough truth to sell the poison and lies mixed into it. This is their mode of operating.
Lastly, in verse 11, Isaiah prophesies that God will bring down their great pride and the trickery in their hands. Their tricks are similar to the veils. The tricks represent the plans they operate behind the veils. Their cunning craftiness seems to work to their great gain, but God will eventually bring it down on their heads. “What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” Matthew 8:36 (NKJV). This judgment day is true for the individual powers as each empire replaces another one, and it is true globally as God promises an end to this dog-eat-dog wrestling of the terrible ones on the earth, and the oppression is puts on humanity. In fact, it is time to admit that even Washington D.C. has taken its place as a city of the terrible nations oppressing the poor as they vie for power over the world. Like little children, our state capitols are in her tresses scooping up what little tidbits they can from their mother’s industry, i.e., prostitution.
Enough about the wickedness of this world and its judgment. This is a chapter about celebrating God’s final judgment! Hallelujah!
Rejoice for Yahweh really saves!
Yahweh is the name given to Moses at the burning bush. It speaks to God’s eternal being. He is not only the always existing one, but also, He is what He always will be. This word has historically been transliterated into English as Jehovah. Regardless, it is not important to get hung up on the change of language and misunderstanding of scholars. In the end, the One True God knows when we are faithfully referring to Him. Many people knew the proper spelling and pronunciation of God’s name in the first century, but they perished because their hearts were far from Him.
As I said earlier, this chapter is a hymn or psalm of praise as the dust settles from chapter 24. The righteous are seen rejoicing that God’s counsels of old have proven to be faithful and true. Imagine it. In Isaiah’s time (700s BC), the counsels of God were already ancient, starting with Adam and then to Noah, to Abraham, to Moses, to David, to Isaiah and lastly to Jesus. In all of these, God has counseled us to trust in Him and His plan to save us. If we do, we will not be put to shame, but all of those who cast Him aside and join the terrible ones will be put to shame. Yes, it doesn’t look like that here on earth, but what we see today is not the whole sum of reality, nor of our existence. Even now, those same counsels are a strength for the needy. It gives us faith and purpose. It gives us understanding and wisdom.
We understand that Christ came to deal with our greatest enemy first, and it is our job to go to war against that great enemy within that seeks us to join the prostitution of the earth. My sin and the desire of my flesh for it is the Goliath that I must slay! Before we can deal with the tyrants of the world, we must all deal with our own inner tyrant screaming to get out. This is why all revolutions ultimately fail. Without facing truth, we only replace the old system with a new system destined to be corrupted and prostituted. Praise God that He has revealed the things behind the curtains of today in the days of old, and we have these counsels faithfully preserved by His grace.
The salvation of Yahweh of course involves His judgment of those terrible ones. You can picture the 2nd Coming of Christ and his judgment against the kings of the earth along with the spiritual interlopers operating on the earth. That day is coming as sure as the dawn. We can even rejoice today as the Spirit of God opens our hearts to the truth that only He can deliver.
The great corruption across the world is part of the deception of the devil. When his man the Antichrist comes forward, it will be a mockery, a trick, that pretends to put down the “wicked of the earth” for the sake of humanity. Yet, his true intentions will quickly become seen. By his fruits you will know him. I don’t plan on being around to have to figure it out, but the counsels of God have warned the world of an arch-deceiver that will stand over all the earth at the end of time with an iron fist over religion, politics, and the economy.
Yes, there will be a revolt against the current political world in order to make room for a “grand new age of enlightened global governance.” However, it will be done by people who are spiritually in chains to their sins, and they will only build a platform for the greatest evil this world has ever known. Hallelujah that He promises to bring it down and remove it completely! Here is a quote from Isaiah 24:21-22.
"It shall come to pass in that day that the LORD will punish on high the host of exalted ones, and on the earth the kings of the earth. They will be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and will be shut up in the prison; after many days they will be punished.”
Note that it is referring to heavenly and earthly beings. The rejoicing is not so much about their fate as it is about God’s relief for our oppression, and His restitution of righteousness.
Verse 8 talks about God swallowing up death forever, and wiping the tears from all faces. Note that this identical to the language given to John in Revelation chapters 20 and 21. The death of death and the destruction of the grave is something that seems to be mere poetry. However, the resurrection of Jesus becomes God’s proof that He is greater than all of the things that oppress and hold us back from the destiny that He has for us. Even death will flee away before the power of our God!
The salvation of Yahweh is not just a temporary salvation during my short existence on this earth, but goes forward into eternity. The shocking salvation of Yahweh is just as awe-inspiring, and even terrifying, as the actions of the terrible ones, but it is different in that it is good and righteous.
The tender picture of the Creator of all things wiping the tears from our eyes is what God wants you to know about Him, and to believe in Him, to trust in Him, to bring you to that precious moment.
Verse 6 pictures God creating a feast for the poor and needy after He has put down the terrible ones. This is already spiritually true in Jesus. At the cross, Jesus neutralized the only true weapon Satan could wield against us, our sin and the law. Even now, we have a spiritual smorgasbord that Christ has given us in His Word, and gives to us daily by His Holy Spirit. We can walk in these ancient counsels that continue to prove faithful and true.
This leads to verse 9 where the people celebrate by saying, “Behold, this is our God; we have waited for Him, and He is saving us. This is the Lord; we have waited for Him; we will be glad and rejoice in His salvation!” Some versions say that He will save us, or in the future. That is a possible translation. However, the word simply means that it isn’t done. In the context of God’s recent judgment here (recent within the prophecy, but still future to the hearers of the prophecy), it is better to translate it as something that is started, but is still continuing. It’s not completed yet.
Friend, God has loved you with an everlasting love, but He is also truth. Your sin, my sin, has to be dealt with. Jesus did his part to pay the price for our sins. However, can we do our part by repenting of not putting our full trust in him? Can we begin trusting in Jesus today and start walking a life that is founded upon God’s counsels? May we realize that without God, this world has nothing for us, but with Him it is an amazing world of God’s grace! Don’t prostitute yourself by casting off God in order to get more of this world. It will only bring pain in the end.