The Acts of the Apostles 63
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Subtitle: The Gospel Comes to Greece
Acts 16:11-24. This sermon was preached by Pastor Marty Bonner on November 12, 2023.
It is interesting to contemplate when the Gospel first came to a particular geography. In our story today, Paul and Silas will take the Gospel to the Grecian city of Philippi found in Macedonia. Thus, we know that the Gospel entered the area of Greece around AD 50.
It is clear that Paul and Silas were actually more interested in reaching more places in Asia Minor, but Paul has a vision of a Macedonian man begging him to come and help them.
Ministry in Philippi (v. 11-24)
Luke gives us several stories from the labor of Paul and Silas in this European city. The people of that day would not have likely thought in terms of Asia versus Europe. Still, we can see that the Gospel spreads beyond the Near East and crosses into Europe through the Apostle Paul.
A more biblical way to think of it may be in recognizing the beast empires of the book of Daniel. Greece is the origin of the third beast. By the time Luke’s account ends they will be in the territory of the 4th beast, Rome.
These men represent the kingdom of the Son of man (Daniel 7) to whom the Ancient of Days had given all dominion. They are more than missionaries. They are the beachhead of the warriors of Christ against the spiritual powers that then held Greece and Rome under bondage to false religion. The Gospel is a call for people to leave the kingdom of darkness and to join the kingdom of light.
After they had been in Philippi for several days, the Sabbath arrives. We can see here that there must not have been a synagogue because this was Paul’s practice. Instead, they find out where people in that city who worship Yahweh go to pray. It is a nearby river,
At this river, we do not see them addressing any men. To set up an official synagogue required 10 believing, Jewish, adult males. We can assume that they had less than that. Perhaps they had no men in the city, or perhaps only women went to the river. Regardless, there are no guys mentioned here.
We are then introduced to a business woman from Thyatira (Asia Minor). She is clearly a woman of means. She is a seller of “purple,” a reference to an expensive dye and the expensive clothing made with it. We also see that she has her own house along with a “household” (v. 15) that is big enough to have room for Paul, Silas, Timothy and Luke.
Luke does not refer to himself other than to use the pronoun “we,” as opposed to “they.” There are several section in Acts that are referred to as the “we” sections. The first is from the port city of Troas to this city of Philippi (Acts 16:10-17). The others are: 20:5-15, 21:1-8 and 27:1 through 28:16. Luke is clearly not intending to draw any attention to himself. Yet, at the same time, this signals to readers that he has spent time with these men that he writes about, and he even experienced some of these things with them. His account can be trusted.
Back to Lydia, we are told that she is a devout Gentile who believed in the God of Israel (“worshipped God” v. 14). This is why she was at the river on the Sabbath praying with other believers to the God of Israel.
As Paul and Silas spoke to the women there about Jesus, the Lord opens Lydia’s heart to heed the thing that they were teaching. She and her household, which would include slaves and family members, put their faith in Jesus as Messiah and are baptized in water. She then pleads with them to stay at her house, which will become the first house church in Greece, and Europe. These are the nucleus of the people that Paul is writing to in the letter to the Philippians.
I find it interesting that the Macedonian man turns out to be a Thyatiran Woman. Men will also be saved in Philippi, but Paul initially runs into women, and his first convert is a woman and her household. Of course, God is concerned about everybody. Paul is not sure what to expect. Is he supposed to recognize the man in his vision, or is it more general, representing the people of that area? My point is that he didn’t know. Visions by definition tend not to have a lot of explained detail. Yet, Paul was faithful to the mission that Christ had given him, preach the Gospel. Who responded would be up to the Lord. Lydia is the first to be saved there, but she won’t be the last.
At verse 16, Luke introduces a new part of the story with the phrase “as we went to prayer.” This is most likely a subsequent Sabbath, whether the next Sabbath or several later. Paul and his group continue to go back to the river to pray, but also to proclaim Jesus as the Christ to those who were gathering.
I believe that incident with a possessed slave girl demonstrates that the word was spreading among the spiritual realm in Philippi. The devil didn’t like what was going on, even if there were not hundreds of people being saved. Thus, a slave girl begins to follow them.
We are told that she had a spirit of divination. The word in Greek is literally a spirit of python. For those who may not know, the python was connected with the false-god Apollo who killed the enormous serpent. The priestess at Delphi was known as an oracle because she would give prophecies from Apollo. This ability to give a prophecy or fortune was referred to as a spirit of python, i.e., a spirit that helped the person to tell fortunes. Those these spiritual beings are not actually gods, they are real spiritual beings who manipulate humans to do their bidding.
Since she is really listening to a spirit and giving a real message from it to people, we could say that her masters were not running a scam operation. However, these evil spirits are misrepresenting themselves. They do not know the future, and they cannot be trusted even if they say something that turns out to be true. They simply have lived a long time, can communicate with each other, and have personally experienced human history. The devil and those fallen spirits who follow him are the ultimate scammers. They promise people power by certain rituals and mechanisms. They also present a perverted view of the world and reality. They cannot be trusted because they despise humans who are imagers of God.
Christians should have nothing to do with using spirits to divine the future. I mention this because there are people today who claim to be Christians that take occult practices and try to “Christianize” them. One such deluded practice is the concept of Christian Tarot cards. They make the images nicer and dress it up in Christian lingo. This is dangerous and should be avoided and denounced, along with any other such practices. God tells us not to look to the spirits of the spirit world to give us information. Rather, we are to pray to God and trust Him and His revelation.
So, when this girl begins to herald Paul and Silas as “servants of the Most High God,” and declare that they are there to “proclaim to us the way of salvation,” we can be sure that the evil spirit animating her is up to something nefarious. It may be that there is a mocking attitude to it. However, it may also be an attempt to muddy the waters by associating what they were doing with Apollo.
Whatever the spirit is trying to do, Paul becomes “greatly annoyed” by her activity. What she is doing grieves him. It is not clear if he knew it was an evil spirit from the beginning, or why he would delay in rebuking the spirit. It is possible that Paul knows that the situation could blow up if he rebukes the spirit. There is no mention of what the Spirit of God may be telling Paul to do. Is God telling Paul to wait for two days? When Paul finally responds, we can also wonder if the Holy Spirit tells him to rebuke the evil spirit. Regardless of all of these questions, we can empathize with Paul’s situation. What do I do?
There may be a level here where these evil spirits are trying to bait Paul into a situation where they can discover some information about him. There is a bit of this in the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness. If Jesus would have jumped off of the temple, and then was not hurt, the devil would know that killing him was off the table. Jesus didn’t give him anything.
Finally, the Apostle Paul turns to the girl and speaks to the evil spirit. “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her!” Though Paul does the commanding, i.e., he is the one having faith and standing up to the evil spirit, he makes it clear by what authority and by what power this demon would be made to obey. No matter how crafty, powerful, and intelligent, these spirits may be compared to humans, they are still under the power and authority of Jesus Christ. Paul stands firm as an ambassador of the kingdom of the Son of God’s love, Jesus. He has been fully authorized to go into any nation, region, or town, and preach the Gospel. Jesus never made humans to be manipulated by these evil spirits, whether through possession or through listening to them. Christians need to have a strong relationship with Jesus through the Holy Spirit so that they can stand up to evil spirits “in the name of Jesus Christ.” In ourselves we have no power, but we can command them to leave because of our relationship with Jesus. We are to declare liberty to those who are oppressed in the Name of Jesus.
We are told that the spirit came out of the girl “that very hour.” This may give the impression of Paul saying the same phrase over and over again for an hour, but that is not what is likely intended. “That very hour” was a phrase that often meant that it happened right away. Yes, some spirits are harder to cast out, but Jesus emphasized that his disciples should pray and fast more often (Mark 9:28-29). Notice that Jesus cast out the demon immediately in that context.
This is a spiritual encounter, and we need to have a true spiritual relationship with Jesus that is more than a superficial stating of some exorcism formula. Be a person of prayer and fasting today because we will see more and more spirit possessions as our society turns away from God’s Word and towards the occult. People will need someone with a real relationship with Christ in order to help them be freed.
Though the girl is set free from the spirit of python, she needs to put her faith in Jesus and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Otherwise, that spirit will show up again with seven more stronger than itself in order to attempt to repossess her.
You will also notice in this story that the masters have no care for this young girl’s soul. They don’t care that she is shackled to a spirit. They only care that they can make money through her. When they find out that she no longer has a spirit of divination, they are not happy. Paul had messed up their gravy train.
We should note that, throughout history, men of business have held an important sway on the authorities of a town, city, region, or nation. They are a big part of the engine of wealth for the rulers and the citizens alike. They often have connections and ways of leveraging the authorities (lobbying) to do their bidding. Sometimes, they can even run the show from behind the scenes.
If you are looking for corruption in government, this is a good place to start. Look for connections between business and those who sit in the chairs of power.
These men drag Paul and Silas before the magistrates of the city of Philippi and charge them with disturbing the peace, and promoting illegal activity (probably promoting a religion that is not approved by the State). They are able to whip up a mob of the citizens along with the magistrates to deal with these “troublemakers.”
Christians should not fall into the error of seeing business men as the bad guys and the poor as the good guys. This pitting of groups against one another has been a favorite tactic of rulers through the years, but especially by socialist groups. Over the years, we have seen many stirring up one group against another group within our Republic: poor against rich, black against white, workers against employers, criminals against cops, homosexuals against heterosexuals, etc. You will always find evidence of one group sinning against another, and none of these groups is without sin. The problem is not the “power imbalance.” The problem is that we are too easily manipulated, both to sin for our benefit and to sin against others for their hurt.
These business men are a problem for Philippi, but Lydia is a business owner too. She is not what is wrong with Philippi. The true problem goes deeper than simply business. We must understand that not every polarization that is thrust in front of us is about truth. This is why justice is supposed to be blindfolded (at least when it is a human judging the case).
The magistrates order that Paul and Silas have their clothes torn open to expose their backs so that they can be beaten with rods. They are then put in the prison with their feet in stocks, representing the most secure form of detainment. Stocks were often designed to create severe discomfort what would be normal.
This is what spiritual warfare looks like. We can be guilty of only fighting spiritual battles in our prayers and in our mind. All spiritual warfare starts in prayer, but it cannot end there. If you want to really be involved in spiritual warfare, then go into the devil’s territory and start working to set people free. You will probably see all hell break out, but you may see people set free by Jesus!
The devil is going to get some licks in. He won’t just stay silent as you plunder his spoils. However, we must keep our eyes upon Jesus and trust him no matter what happens. This spirit was prodding Paul to see how much of God he had. Well, he found out when he was cast out. Greater is Jesus who is in us than any evil spirit in the world.
Ask yourself how much Christian ministry doesn’t happen because we are afraid of what people, business, and authorities might do. Perhaps, this is exactly why Paul delayed to cast out the spirit. He knew that he would be poking the hornet’s nest. Regardless of how many “hornets” are in your town, when the devil comes after us, he is doing some poking of his own. Paul may have poked a hornet’s nest, but the spirits of Philippi were now poking the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Jesus! When the devil comes after you, he comes after one who is a child of the God of all things, the Most High God! We should not be arrogant in that, but neither should we forget it. The devil is in the weaker position, and we should not fear him, but rather fear not doing the will of God.
May God help us to avoid the kind of spiritual growth that is only in our imagination. We need true spiritual growth where the rubber meets the road. True spiritual growth is always forged in the fires of a relationship with Jesus by the Holy Spirit. It is forged in the fires of trials and temptations, where we learn to trust Jesus and walk with Him.
We need to be bold, but we also need to be a people who are praying and fasting, and ready for every good work that Jesus may have for us to do.
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