There is Hope
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Romans 8:16-30. This sermon was preached by Pastor Marty on March 27, 2016, Easter Sunday.
Hope is a word that we use to refer to the anticipation of something good in the future. This seems to be the default position of the human heart. When we are young and innocent we have a basic sense of good things ahead. However, through difficult experiences in a fallen world and our own moral failures, we can lose hope. In Jesus God has restored hope by demonstrating the depths to which His love is willing to go for fallen humans. Yes, we may give up on hope, but God will never. He is the creator of hope.
It is also important to recognize that we are not talking about hope in the sense of wishing for something. “I hope I win the lottery,” is a statement that is more about wishing for something. In the Bible the hope in our heart is instigated by the object of hope that God has promised in our future. It would be more like the hope a young person has of graduating from college because their parents have promised to pay for it. Today we are going to remind ourselves of the hope that God has anchored in the future for all who put their faith in Jesus and follow him.
We Are Children Of God
In verses 16-22, Paul reminds us that we are children of God. Now we all belong to God by the fact of creation. Thus all humans are children of God in that sense. However, in the Bible it has a more narrow sense. It is referring to those who have been born spiritually. When you were physically birthed you were the child of two human parents, i.e. a child of man. In order to be a child of God you must also be born spiritually by putting your faith in Jesus as your teacher and the one who covers your sins.
As a child of God we are also heirs, and joint heirs with Jesus. Technically it is Jesus who stands to inherit all/ things because of what he did while he was on this earth. He lived the perfect, sinless life and yet was unjustly attacked. Instead of fighting, Jesus puts his full trust in the God of heaven. Though the cross may seem to show his trust was ill-placed, the resurrection proves that Jesus knew what he was doing. God has declared that those who put their trust in the work of Jesus and his commands will be brought into the Family of God and allowed to inherit with Jesus.
Notice that Paul states at the end of verse 17 a conditional phrase. We stand to inherit with Christ, “if” we are willing to suffer with Jesus. Just as Jesus suffered in the hope that the Father would answer him so too, we must pick up our cross and follow him. Now we will not all suffer the same things or in the same way. But we will experience many hardships in this life that will challenge our decision to follow Jesus. His commands are very clear and cause us to have to choose between trusting him or making our own way. Some people walk away from the faith when they encounter suffering. But, this seems strange because we are going to have pain and suffering whether we follow Jesus or not. This world is filled with them everywhere you go. Thus Paul states that those who will follow the way of Jesus will suffer on this earth, but they will one day be glorified with Jesus. Just as Jesus was glorified with an immortal, indestructible body and was glorified in his position over all creation, so we too will receive glorified bodies and a glorified position beside Jesus. To illustrate this, I would point us to the Basketball tournament that the NCAA is putting on right now. These teams are in the middle of a great struggle to be the champions. As each game is played one team walks away saddened because they lost, but the other team is rejoicing because they have won. As the final championship game ends with the blare of the buzzer, the time of blood, sweat, and tears will be over and one of the teams will enter into a time of glory, the time of enjoying the fruit of your labor. This is what it will be for all believers at the Resurrection.
This is what is being referred to in vs. 19. All creation awaits the revealing of the Sons of God. This is the moment when believers are glorified and revealed to the world in glorified form and position. Most people don’t recognize how critical mankind is to the universe. Through our moral fall, all of creation was put under the curse of sin. In the Old Testament the term Sons of God is a reference to the angelic beings. They were direct creations of God and they were immortal. However, through Jesus, God is raising up lowly humans to join the heavenly Sons of God. This is referenced in Hebrews 2: 9-10, “But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angles, for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone. For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.” Yes, we are in a time of difficulty, blood, sweat, and tears at this time. Yet, a day has been appointed in which all who have believed upon Jesus Christ will be raised up immortal. We will be revealed as the Sons of God, along with Jesus the One and Only Unique Son of God.
In verses 20-22, we are reminded that the curse was given for the hope of what was to come. We might be tempted to look at the effects of the curse and sin on the Earth and accuse God of doing a terrible job, perhaps even being evil. The truth is that we were not cursed for the sake of vengeance, but for the hope of what would one day come. The triumph of mankind over the devil would be a long time in coming, but come it would. At the cross, the devil was disarmed. The truth was given to the world and the law was satisfied. For the last 2 thousand years people have been plundered from his control, people from every language and nation. One day all of those people will stand immortal beside the Lord, while the devil is captured and removed from the scene. This is the victory that the Lord has assured us.
Jesus Is The Hope Of Mankind
Starting in verse 24 we see the hope that Jesus makes possible for mankind. First it states that this is what we have been saved for. Putting your faith in Jesus is not about simply trying to get something better in this life. It is about so much more. Sure, following Jesus will change the way you live and bring many good things into your life. But it can also bring some bad things into your life as well: suffering, pain, rejection, and even death. But the apostles knew that they were not dying for a lie. They had seen the resurrected Lord and had been told by him that they too would experience resurrection if they followed him. It would be good for American Christians to recognize that our greatest hope is not in fixing America, as great as that would be. Our greatest hope is to reign with Jesus over a new earth and a new heavens that is not tainted by sin, pain, and suffering.
In verse 28 we are told that all things are working together for the good of those who are called by God. It may seem impossible to understand that such a thing could be true. Yet, even for a person who is not an unbeliever, this can be true the second they believe in Jesus. Until that moment, everything that happens in their life is a sad story. But once they believe in Jesus, it all becomes part of a glorious story of overcoming an enemy that was far too strong for us. Don’t push faith aside. By doing so you will only allow your pain and suffering to remain meaningless and evil. But when you embrace it, all that difficulty becomes full of meaning and goodness.
Verses 29-30 show us that God’s plan is far greater than ours. It is greater in effect and greater in scope. From the beginning of time before he created, He foresaw all that would be. In the moment that he chooses to create, He also chooses a destiny for all who would trust Him. This is what is meant by Predestined. He destined those who would trust him to be transformed and made like Jesus (morally and physically). Then, in the course of time, He Called us to join His family. All of us who are followers of Jesus had to hear the call of God by the Spirit and through a human being. When we responded in faith that destiny became our own. Then, those that responded to the call were Justified. They were made to be righteous by the work of God. No one will be able to stand before God and make a case against them receiving such a destiny. They have been justified by the judge himself. Lastly, those who have been justified will one day be Glorified. The justified will be clothed with immortal glory and enter into the inheritance of a new creation. This is the hope of mankind that Jesus has made available to whosoever will believe upon Him. If you haven’t already, please do so today. If you hear the call of the Spirit to join the ranks of the redeemed then respond today and let God justify your claim to the glory He has for you.