The Wicked Tenant Farmers
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Mark 12:1-12. This sermon was preached by Pastor Marty Bonner on August 2, 2020.
We live in a day and age where there are difficult tensions on every hand. The parable that we will read today reminds us that not all who claim to be God’s ministers and His people actually are. The world takes advantage of this to accuse the Church and project it as irrelevant and non-essential. Thus, true believers have to wrestle with the reality that not all who say, “Lord, Lord…” belong to Jesus, and yet the only hope for those who don’t believe in Jesus is to hear his Gospel and connect in a fruitful life with him and his people.
Two things must happen in these final hours of our work in this Age of Grace. First, believers must get serious about having a living connection to Jesus, the Lord of Life. We cannot afford to superficially participate in the things of God, and this goes for the average Christian and Christian leaders. Second, we must be more convinced than ever that unbelievers will perish if they don’t hear the Gospel, believe on Jesus, and connect to his people.
This is a day that calls for boldness, but not a boldness in wickedness. Rather, we need a humble boldness that does the work that Jesus has sent us to do though the whole world (other “believers” included) rails against us.
Jesus teaches with a parable
We are entering a section of Mark that apparently lasts for several days (note that Mark 14:1 says, “after two days”). During this time, Jesus is teaching in the temple compound and interacting with the incensed religious leaders. The main point of this parable of the Wicked Tenant Farmers is concerning the religious leaders. However, if we take this parable and link it with the many other Scriptures that speak of God’s vineyard and spiritual fruit, we will find that it explodes with much more meaning and teaching than what is presented in our passage.
Now, parables teach a lesson about spiritual things by using the natural things of this life. If Jesus were teaching today, he would no doubt have a parable about wicked property managers, hedge fund managers, or even rush hour commutes. The natural story provides an illustration to the spiritual message it underscores. Let’s look at the different elements of this story.
The owner is God. He is the one who called Moses to co-labor with him in planting Israel in the promised land and setting up its spiritual care.
The vineyard is Israel as a nation. Israel represented the visible kingdom of God (i.e. what God is doing in the visible realm). Each person is a branch on the natural vine of Israel, but can only be fruitful if they are connected to the spiritual vine, which is God.
The vinedressers or tenant farmers are the spiritual leaders of Israel. Vinedresser or tenant farmer translate a Greek word that literally means ground/earth worker. It is where we get the English name George. Since this is in the context of grape vines, these are the workers who tend the vines, harvest its fruit, and manufacture its wine. Everything they do should be about making the vine healthy and fruitful. The spiritual leaders are, of course, vines themselves. Israel was not made for them and it did not belong to them. They were simply serving Israel so that it could bear the fruit God intended.
The servants sent by the owner are the prophets of God. God had been faithful to send servants who were inspecting the fruitfulness of the leader’s work. Historically, the prophets were treated poorly and shamefully. There does seem to be an increase in the wicked treatment of these prophets, but the final statement is that many other servants were sent, some beaten, and some killed. The point is that this owner has been extremely patient and forgiving with these leaders of Israel, and the leaders have been extremely wicked.
The son of the owner is Jesus. Here, Jesus presents himself as a unique servant. The other servants were not biologically connected to the owner, but the son is. Of course, outside of the analogy, God is spirit and thus, the biological should not be placed upon the relationship between Jesus and the Father. Jesus is the One and Only unique Son of God. Yes, we have been given the right to be called Sons of God, but that is in the sense of an adoption, a legal action. However, Jesus is a Son of God by right of his being. He alone is of the same being as the Father and has existed with Him from eternity past in an eternal unity. The owner sends his son with the hope that they would respect him above the other servants.
The killing of the son is the coming crucifixion, only days away. The parable presents that the spiritual leaders will knowingly kill the heir so that they can have the land to themselves. Thus, they are greedy, unwilling to surrender their control over God’s people, and wicked.
We should not miss another layer to this parable. The devil and his angels will also be guilty of this in the crucifixion. They too are usurpers who attempt to lord their power over humans to the exclusion of God. They will find themselves in the same boat as the first century leaders of Israel.
Jesus gives the moral lesson
The story ends at verse 8. In some ways, this story is a moral obscenity that doesn’t need too much explanation. However, mankind is making the same mistakes today. The leaders of this world, both religious and secular, are seeking to kill the concept of God so greatly that the only thing left will be for the people of the world to look to them as gods. In a sense, they desire to harness the people of the world for their own plans and ignore the rightful claims of God who is the true owner.
The main lesson that Jesus intends is brought to the forefront by the question, “What will the owner of the vineyard do?” God would destroy the spiritual leaders of Israel and get new ones who would do the job righteously.
Jesus is warning that a destructive event is on the horizon that would wipe out these spiritual leaders who were confronting him. The priestly tribe of Levi and the high-priestly line of Aaron were going to be rejected with new priests and ministers taking their place. We should always remember that no one is indispensable among God’s people. It belongs to Him. John the Baptist warned his generation that God was able to raise up children of Israel from the stones on the ground if He needed. If we use God’s people and institutions for our own purposes and abuse the true believers then we too will find a destructive event in our future in which we perish and God raises up others to take our place.
Jesus then reminds them that this had been foretold in Scripture (Psalm 118:22-23). By the way, this is the Messianic Psalm that the crowds were quoting at the triumphal entry just days before this. The picture is that the master builders will reject the cornerstone sent to them by God. However, God will overrule their rejection and make him the chief cornerstone.
We actually have a different analogy or picture that is one of a stone building. The Son of God is the critical stone in the building of God, but the project workers are rejecting him. The spiritual leaders were supposed to help Israel connect to the Son of God as the true vine of Israel. In a sense, Jesus had always been the spiritual vine of Israel, but now he would walk among them. Instead, the spiritual leaders were rejecting the true vine and keeping the people connected to them, or even worse, to an evil spiritual vine.
Psalm 118 then pictures believers rejoicing in the marvelous work of God overturning the leaders, and shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD!” Isaiah 28:16 picks up this same theme and declares that God Himself will set His precious cornerstone in the face of the rebellious leaders. This also connects with the many passages that refer to a stumbling stone (see Isaiah 8:14). Daniel 2:45 pictures a stone cut out by the hands of God, which crushes the beast kingdoms and fills the earth. In 1 Peter 2:4-6, Peter pictures the rebuilding of a spiritual temple upon Jesus with those who believe upon him.
All the prophets had warned of this spiritual malpractice by the leaders of Israel, and the destruction that awaited them. Thus, the leaders of Israel had no excuse. God had warned them. If this is true of them then what about Christian leaders? If the leaders of Israel were without excuse then we are doubly without excuse because we have the Scriptures and the example of what God did to those first century spiritual leaders. Christian leaders need to make sure they are not guilty of these same things “in the name of the Lord.”
This parable is also told in Matthew 21. In verses 43-44, Matthew records some extra statements of Jesus that are not found in Mark 12. Verse 43 says, “Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it.” Jesus speaks of a new nation because the problem was not just with the leaders of Israel. The vineyard analogy goes back to Isaiah chapter 5, where the prophet says that the vineyard itself is bearing wild grapes that cannot be used. Therefore, the vineyard itself will be destroyed. The destruction of national Israel within 40 years of the rejection of Jesus becomes an event in which God removes Israel as a nation and raises up a new nation, the Church. Branches of national Israel who believed upon Jesus were transplanted throughout the world with spiritual leaders that would be both Jew and Gentile, under the everlasting covenant of the Messiah. This is what Peter is talking about in 1 Peter 2:9, “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light!” It is a nation that is not of one ethnicity, or of a particular geography, but a spiritual nation connected by the blood of Jesus and our capital city, the New Jerusalem, in heaven. This new nation would receive the remnant of the old vineyard and increase it.
Clearly, the leaders of the Church have not all learned the lessons of the past, and not all Christians, who are not leaders, either. Wake up Church of God!
Matthew 21:44 says, “And whoever falls on this stone will be broken; but on whomever it falls, it will grind him to powder.” There are only two options when it comes to Jesus, God’s cornerstone. You will either fall upon him broken, or you will be crushed by him and ground into powder.
The first is a picture of a humbled person who is broken by the recognition of their sins. They are falling on Jesus in repentance and responding to the Spirit of God to follow Him. Though they are broken, he will be their healer. The second is the picture of the wicked person who will be broken on the judgment day. For most, that will be when they stand before him in judgment at the Great White Throne. For some, that will be at the Second Coming when Jesus comes to cast out the usurpers of the earth and bring in everlasting righteousness.
How about you today? Are you casting yourself upon Jesus in humble repentance? Are you connecting to him as the true spiritual vine, and drawing life? Are you bearing the fruit that God desires, or is it only wild grapes? This world needs believers who have the true fruit of God, so that they can have a chance of avoiding the coming day of God’s wrath upon the wicked. May God help us to live for Jesus!