A Heart For That Which Is Lost-Part II
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Luke 15:11-32
Last week we saw two quick parables about God’s heart for those who are lost from Him. The images then were a lost sheep and a lost coin. Today our image is going to be a son who is often called the prodigal son, which refers to the fact that he “wastes” his inheritance. But in reality this parable should be called the parable of the lost son because the emphasis of all three of these parables is that something is lost and needs to be found.
If you are skeptical of Christianity and the message of the Bible, I would ask you to at least hear out this one message. In this story Jesus gives us a glimpse into God’s heart for all of mankind.
A Son Is Lost
In verses 11-16 we see the story of a young man who is tired of being in his father’s house. It is a common story for a young man to chafe under the roof of his parents, and even m ore common is man’s chafing under the administration of God, our Father in heaven. Throughout this story the actions are illustrating spiritual realities between God and man.
In the story the young man commits a series of very insulting actions toward his father. First, he asks for his inheritance early. This action would come across as wishing that your father were dead. I would rather have the stuff my father is going to give me than to have him. Now it is not uncommon for an inheritance to be divvied out early, but it would always be at the direction of the father. Thus the second insult is regarding the father’s wisdom as to when the inheritance should be handed out. So how is it that we take hold of our inheritance from God before the proper time in order to do with it as we wish? When we ignore God’s instructions regarding what we have (our body, wealth, time, health, etc…) and then do with it whatever we wish, we are doing the same thing to God that this young man did to his father.
So the young man liquidates his inheritance and goes off to a far country. This is the third insult. The son separates himself as far as he can from his father and family. All by itself it would not be an insult. But in the context of the actions of the young man it becomes another expression of rejection. There had already been a separation between the father and son emotionally, but now a large distance is put between them as a barrier to ever fixing this relational problem. This is true of us with God as well. We not only neglect relationship with God, but we often put up large barriers that keep God at a distance. The places and people we hang out and the places we never go, often become shackles that keep us from ever connecting with God.
Although the son doesn’t realize it, the maturity of the Father’s life and decisions is part of what bothers him. The son wants to live life more. He doesn’t want to be restricted in his activities and unhampered by the boring things that his father has given him to do. However, the very inheritance that he takes is the product of his father’s wisdom and maturity. It is the blood, sweat, and tears of his father put in monetary form. In the spiritual sense, the temptations of this life call us to cast off the boundaries that God has placed on us and to “enjoy life.” We want to eat, drink, and be merry at the expense of the work that God has given us to do. This is an immature mentality that does not produce good things. Rather it squanders good things. This lost son is known as the prodigal son because his immature decision making wastes every good thing that he ever had in his life starting with his father and family. Those who take this path walk away from God and yet take all that he ever supplied for them. Instead of walking in wisdom they squander all the good that God has given until it is both wasted and ruined. You will eventually squander all that you have: money, body, mind; and you will be left with nothing to show for it in the end, nothing but spiritual emptiness that is. So the young man became penniless through living the fast and furious, high-life.
Of course this would be the exact wrong time for a severe famine to strike the area, but that is exactly what happens. Although we often pray for God to help us escape difficult times and difficult things, they have often been the very grace of God to bring people to the point where they can see their need of Him. As long as he had money and was spending it, the young man never lacked for people to party with him. But now that he is broke and difficult, economic times have struck, he is alone and in great need. The young man is so desperate that he takes a job that every Jew hearing this story would have cringed at: feeding pigs. Spiritually, we can often let desperate times push us into worse and worse decisions, until we end up in a mess that is near impossible for us to fix. It appears to me that Satan uses these things to herd lost people into prisons of their own making. Even if they get to a point where they would want to return to their father, they have burnt so many bridges behind them that they won’t be able to make it back.
Perhaps the saddest line of this whole parable is this, “and no one gave him anything.” Of course they didn’t owe him anything and times were difficult for everyone. But when a person is in dire need and has nothing to eat, it is easy for those who have no connections to them to ignore it. And, those who may have partied for you in the past tend to separate from you. You might wonder why they do it, in that moment. But it is the kind of decision that immaturity makes. The destitute person has nothing to offer. Only a mature and wise person will help such a one, and this young man had separated himself from such people. It is here that the real truth hammers into the head of this lost son. He had embraced the cold decision to separate from his father for the fires of passion in a far country. But now that he has burned out in rapid form he is on the receiving end of others doing the same to him. They too embrace the cold decision to leave him destitute for the sake of warming and feeding themselves. Without God this world quickly becomes a cold hard place where people tend to connect with you only as long as they are getting something out of you. Yet, in the end their care for you does not go beneath the surface. Many have taken the path of the immediate decision for their own passions, only to find that no one cares for them in this place they have ended up.
A Son Repents
In verses 17-19 the story takes another turn. The son repents of what he has done. Now the word repent in this passage literally means to change your mind. It is also associated with another word that means to regret something after the fact. Thus repentance is not just an intellectual change of mind, but an emotional one as well. Another concept that comes out is that of turning. The young man has been going in a direction that is taking him farther, and farther away from his father. But here we see him sorrowfully changing his mind. Filled with remorse and regret he begins to turn away from those previous decisions and actions and begins to turn back towards his father. He no longer sees hope further down the road of his way, but rather looks back to his father as the only hope for him now. Have you reached that point regarding your Father in heaven? This is true repentance on display for us to see. When we truly repent we turn away from our decisions and actions in disgust and turn towards God in hope.
It is at this point that the young man comes to his senses, or as the passage says, “he came to himself.” Until now he couldn’t see himself for what he really was. He was blinded by his desire and his ignorance. But now he sees his true condition. But, the truth can set us free, if we will recognize it and embrace it. It is not easy to embrace truth. Much like embracing a cactus, it pierces our skin and causes pain. Yet, unlike embracing a cactus, the truth can lead us in the direction of hope, wisdom, freedom and especially love. The rebukes of life are those effects of our poor choices and the added problem of adverse circumstances that we didn’t cause. This perfect storm mixes together and binds us to a miserable state. But the question is, do we really see ourselves in that moment, or do we ignore it and press on the same old way? Like a person banging their head against the wall, we can persist in the same direction in the face of evidence that it is destroying us. Only the Spirit of God can truly help a lost person to come to their senses and mercifully He works on each person. However, even then, when those glimpses come, we can choose to ignore it. The Bible calls this hardening your heart. When does a heart become so hard that nothing, not even Truth, can break through? This is something that cannot be answered, but must be recognized.
In this moment of seeing the truth, the young man recognizes that the only path out is to humble himself and return to his father. This is a plan born out of desperation and yet also the understanding that his father is different than those who surround him now. Perhaps I can go back and be a slave in my father’s house. He knows he doesn’t deserve even that, yet, it is worth a shot. The worst that can happen is that he will be rejected and in the same condition he is in now. These two key points are necessary to true repentance: humbling and returning. When we can strip ourselves of all the ways of thinking, reasons, philosophies, and lusts that led us away from God in the first place, then we are able to come back to Him for help.
The young man also comes back without demand and with an attitude of unworthiness. If we approach God with demands then we are not truly repentant. The person who repents takes full responsibility for their choices and the effects of them. They are asking for help rather than demanding it. At times they are hoping against hope for help, that’s how desperate they are. Do not be so quick to pump up the self-esteem of a person who is coming to Christ. Yes, God loves them and yes, He will definitely restore them to the status of a son. But it will have been over the top of my sin. When we diminish our sin we are at the same time diminishing the greatness of God’s love and mercy towards us. If my sin was no big deal then God’s grace is not a big deal. If I only owe a penny to my friend, it is no big deal when he says to forget about paying it back. But if I owed him $100,000 and he forgave the loan, I would be indebted to him immensely.
A Father And Son Are Reunited
In verses 20-32 we have the fun part of the story. The son goes back and is received by his father. It is interesting that the father runs out to meet his son. It is as if to say that if we will take steps back towards God, He will come out to meet us and bring us all the way back home. God is looking for any movement in our life back towards Him. He isn’t waiting for us to prove ourselves. Rather, He runs to us quickly in order to help us come all the way.
It is also important to notice the compassion of the father. God has a great deal of compassion for sinners who repent and turn back towards Him. Of course, He had compassion before, but it was internal. The lost person’s heart is separated from God and wants nothing from Him. But, when the lost heart turns back towards God, His compassion can now flow towards them. Now that the son’s heart has changed, God can act in a way that would not have been received before. If the father had showed up while the son was partying he would not have been received. If he had shown up too soon, when the son was working as a feeder of pigs, the son might have willfully stayed there eating pig slop. But at just the right time, the father runs out to his son. This is God’s way with us.
Next the Father throws a celebration for his son. God doesn’t just bring us back into the home. He celebrates. We cannot fathom the heights to which the heart of God ascends when a sinner repents, or I should say when we repent. We should ponder long the reality of what is being shown here. God does not just require repentance; He throws a party when we do it.
The father also blesses his son as if he was a favorite son. He gives him the best robe, a ring, and sandals (and most likely a bath). This is a picture of the lavish love that God pours out upon those who turn to Him. He will not hear of us serving only as a slave. He will not leave us in our filthy stained condition. But, rather, He will lavish upon us those things that we do not deserve. Believers have the privilege to delight in the robe of the righteousness of Christ, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We can walk in the authority of His favored Son, Jesus. We also have a future with the Father that we had thrown away.
It is at this moment that the beautiful story hits a snag. The older brother is offended. He hears what is going on and refuses to go into the celebration. He begins to separate himself from the path of his father’s choice. Up to now he has followed his father’s wisdom, but this is too much. At that moment, he too becomes a son who is in jeopardy of becoming a lost son. Whether he goes off to a far country or not, he does not want to join with his father. His complaint that he never got to celebrate with his friends is flimsy. First of all the lost brother most likely doesn’t have any “friends” at the celebration, only the father and his servants. Second of all, the celebration is offset by the grieving that went on before. Imagine that the celebration is like 100 happy points all in one day. The older son can only see that he never got 100 happy points all in one day. This isn’t fair is it? The reality is that the day the younger son left the father experienced something like a 1,000,000 sad points. Every day since his leaving the father had grieved with sadness over the loss of his son. Now the 100 happy points seem small. Now let’s continue with these happy points. Imagine that one normal day with his elder son was like 10 happy points. How many days had they dwelt together with no real sad points to think of and 10 happy points racking up: 10 per day, 70 per week, 300 per month, 3,652 per year. It is so easy to discount the happiness of “normal.” It may not be a festival celebration, but the simple meals that we have together, day after day, are not a drudgery when we love each other.
Ultimately being lost is a matter of the heart. We have all been lost children of God. His heart yearned for the return of each of us. He has planned a great celebration and feast for those who return to Him. In all of this we see God’s heart for each person who has been found and for those who are still out there squandering their inheritance. When you first get saved you are the younger brother. But over time our hearts can become entitled and we can become derisive towards those who turn back to God after us. Beware of such a heart because it is a lost heart as well.
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