Instructions on the Battlefield
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Various Passages. This sermon was preached by Pastor Marty Bonner on November 08, 2020.
Today, I want to pause and speak to Christians within these United States of America. There is a battle for the soul of the world that is happening, and the current election is just a skirmish in this overall battle.
Let’s start by looking at a passage in 1 Samuel chapter 8, particularly from verse 4 and following.
The greater battle is in the spiritual realm
We are at the end of a long line of human history. While there are important things that have happened in the natural realm, we must never lose sight of the more important battles that have happened in the spiritual realm.
The battle in the natural realm has an individual aspect to it and a group or corporate aspect. The issue has always been between tyranny and freedom. Adam and Eve were free from tyranny in the garden, but they listened to the devil. At that point, the world descended into a chaotic mix of sin and violence.
The individual loss in battle spreads out to the group losing the spiritual battle.
So then, God judged the ancient world and started over with Noah; “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the whole earth.” However, Satan found another individual named Nimrod to resist the plan of God and mislead the multitudes of humanity. They refused to fill the earth in order to make a great name for themselves.
The prophets Daniel and the Apostle John showed us that history is basically a story of Satan’s attempts to raise up a leader that dominates mankind and harnesses it to do his will, in the name of greatness of course. Each time he is at the brink of succeeding in his plan, God casts his beastly empire into the dustbin of history. At Babel, God confused the language of mankind and forced us to spread into nations. Our individual nations, language, and culture thereby becoming a barrier, more so a protection, against this global, tyrannical plan of Satan.
1 Samuel 8 shows us that Israel was being seduced to follow the same path as the nations around them. They wanted a king who could help them be great and defend them. Up until that point, God had been their king. So, God tells Samuel in verse 7, “they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them. When God rules over us, we are free because He is not a tyrant. However, Satan promises freedom, but delivers a boot to the face every time.
There is always a seduction of tyranny before there is the brute force of tyranny. Just think of what we could do if everybody did what we wanted? Our founding fathers understood this tyrannical impulse within mankind. It is not only that we want our will to dominate, but that we are fascinated with tyrannical men who make us feel potent by joining their side. If we can’t be the star of the team then at least we can have the pride of being a part of the team.
Even today, we are like Esau, willing to sell our birthright for a pot of beans. We tell ourselves that we are dying and must sell it in order to have food, but we are not dying anymore than Esau was dying. This is called freedom, and freedom is tough. Freedom takes guts. Freedom requires you to face the consequences of your decisions and find a way through them.
America cannot save the world, and no leader can save America. However, if we toe the line in this battle, we can hold tyranny back a little longer from plunging the whole world into the final, global beast-kingdom.
In any battle, there is a side that you cannot see, the spiritual side. We must learn to use prayer and God’s Word in order to draw life from Jesus, and thereby, the strength to battle the spiritual powers running roughshod over our world. Parents do their best to teach their kids and train them in the natural, but the greater battle is the spiritual battle for their hearts and minds. Our nation is not polarized between two human individuals. We are polarized between two very different world views. One looks to government control to save mankind, and the other looks to self-control to save self and as many others around us that we can influence. Even then, self-control without Jesus is not enough. It too falls short, and yet is better than tyrannical government.
When a child is grown up, a parent has very little to do in the natural realm, and so is left with mainly praying for them and continuing to be a good example. The ballots of the 2020 presidential election have been cast. It is no longer in our hands in the natural. Over the next 2 months, it will be in the hands of investigators, lawyers, judges, legislatures, etc. As Christians, we must never lose sight that the battle does not belong to whomever is the strongest in the natural. It belongs to the Lord. This election will go one way or the other at the command of King Jesus, not human beings. We do not deserve mercy as a nation, but we serve a God who is full of mercy and grace. We can pray for His mercy and not give up.
This reminds me of King David when he was praying for the life of Bathsheba’s baby. God had decreed that the baby would die because it represented the fruit of David’s willful sin. However, David knew that God was merciful. As long as the baby was alive, there was hope that God would relent and heal the baby. So, we also should pray and fast as David did. We must fight the spiritual battle by appealing to the Lord Jesus for mercy. The Lord’s answer will eventually become clear, and then we should wash our face and get back to the work that He has given us to do. It is never easy bearing the consequences of our sin, whether as an individual or as a group, but, if we will do it out of faith in Jesus, we will find life on the other side.
Because Israel chose to be like all the other nations and have a man of the flesh that they could follow, they later found themselves facing the Philistine army with a Giant of a man called Goliath. This part of the story is found in 1 Samuel 17. The great Saul, who was head and shoulder above all other Israelites and very handsome- the kind of leader that lesser men love to attach themselves to- was suddenly faced with an even bigger man. Now, they were all hiding in their tents, “dismayed and greatly afraid.”
This is exactly what Satan wants for God’s people. He wants you afraid and staying safe at home while his forces take over your life, your family, your nation, and even our world. There is a Goliath spirit loose in our land today. The time of seduction is over and the time for brute force is here. This spirit shouts out threats to God’s people and seeks to intimidate us. It wants us to keep our heads down, and l et the forces of Satan take over this land.
Just as it was a critical moment in the history of Israel, so this is a critical moment in America. The die has been cast. There may come more opportunities in the natural for us to do something, but if you are hiding in fear, you will miss them through paralysis. Until then, we need to go to war on our knees seeking God for wisdom and mercy. Satan’s plan is that America reject freedom, embrace political tyranny, and, thereby, help the world raise up the final global empire. If we will not do that then his plan is that we economically and politically implode, and become a symbol to the world of those who resist the “better path.” We would then be the cautionary tale to any other nation that would dare oppose the global Goliath and its global empire under the United Nations or some similar entity. You must answer this question for yourself, as a free child of God, and in response to the Holy Spirit, not because the religious leader tells you to do so. At best, I can only be a fellow brother in the fight, saying “Don’t give up! There is still hope in God!”
What Character do I display
Christians, we must always be aware that we represent Christ to the world around us. Many people, who have already been captured in sin and plundered of freedom by the enemy, are looking around for hope. We have a duty from God to walk in His freedom, not the false freedom of Satan.
There is no one character that falls short of Christ. Worldly character can be many things from fearful hiding to angry rioting. Israel was fearful and hiding before the Philistines. There trust was in natural things, King Saul, and so they were made to fear by natural things, Goliath. This is not the Spirit of Christ. He was not fearful and hiding. Neither was he angry and rioting. Whose image am I displaying?
We are told by Jesus to be wise as serpents, but harmless as doves (Matthew 10:16). Ultimately, we need to be like him. To the worldly minded, the life of Jesus was full of hope. He was a miracle worker and had an intellect that none could stand against. Yet, to them, he wasted his life by getting himself killed. Dying on a cross to save the world is not what most people want. The way of Jesus calls us to repentance and spiritual maturity. It calls us to responsibility. It calls us to the freedom that belongs to the sons of God, not the infants of God. If you are looking for someone to rise up and legislate all your problems away then you have already spiritually surrendered to the seduction of the enemy.
Just who is Jesus? Let me just read the words of the Apostle Paul in Philippians 2:5-11.
5 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, 7 but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. 9 Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Jesus was humble and lowly, yet also bold and courageous. God is calling us to the bravery of serving people around us. In order to do that, we are going to have to humble ourselves and die to things that we could have if we just kept silent and let them continue being lost.
Humble and lowly does not equal fearful and hiding in your tents. Jesus was humble and lowly because he chose to be. On the other hand, we are actually humble and lowly, even though we are full of ourselves, arrogant, and obnoxious. There is a boldness and courage that can only be found in not pretending to be anything great, but simply being a person who has faith in Jesus, who knows that He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. Because of this, we can rise up like David against a behemoth that no tour de force could defeat, except God Himself help us. We overcome the world through our faith in Jesus, not through our natural abilities.
Now, we know that not every story of faith ends with a dead giant, conquered enemy, or the shutting of the mouths of lions. Sometimes our story goes the route of martyrdom. However, at the Resurrection, Jesus shows us that even stories that seem to end at a cross are not over. We can be bold and courageous because our victory is not just about getting what we want in the natural realm, but is about overcoming the spiritual seduction of tyranny. It is about faithfulness to the God who created us and died for us on the cross. We will be resurrected and reign with Him in the coming Kingdom of Heaven. Which kingdom do you want to participate in: the kingdom of Satan or the Kingdom of Jesus? Our choices and the character we display demonstrate which direction we are walking.
Next week we will talk about what those who claim to be prophets are saying about this time in the USA.