The Authority of Jesus
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Mark 3:1-12. This sermon was preached by Pastor Marty Bonner on May 19, 2019.
Today, we are back in the Gospel of Mark. We will be talking about the authority of Jesus.
After the Resurrection, Jesus told his disciples that all authority in heaven and on earth had been given to him. Thus, he was sending them out to proclaim who he was and what he had done. They were to disciple those who believed in Jesus. When you bring the Gospel into someone’s life and teach them to follow Jesus, you are operating under the authority of One who is greater than the Washington State Legislature, or the United States Congress, or the United Nations Security Council. You are operating under the authority of Jesus, who is the King over all kings and the Lord over all lords.
However, this does not mean that we should be arrogant, and neither does it mean that we should be fearful and timid. May the Spirit of Christ rise up within us and enable us to rise up in the face of the spirit of this world. May we be bold enough to lead people to Jesus.
Jesus appoints The Twelve Apostles
Though Jesus has already called the twelve disciples to follow him, here we have an actual appointment to a position that these men didn’t understand completely, at the time. They are not just to be his disciples (a word that focuses on being students of Jesus), but also to be his apostles (we will talk more about this word in a bit).
Verse 14 in the King James Version and in the New King James Version do not have the added phrase “whom he also named apostles.” This is due to the fact that many more manuscripts and many older manuscripts have been discovered since the creation of the KJV in the early 1600’s. Modern translators have had to weigh the evidence of the many manuscripts that currently exist and make choices of what was in the original. In case you think this is unacceptable, you may be interested to know that the translators of the King James Version testified that they had done this very thing themselves. They did their best with the manuscripts they had at the time. This is why most modern versions have added the phrase “whom he also named apostles.” It is interesting that sometimes it goes the other way, a phrase is believed to have been added later and is thus removed by newer versions. Either way, we want to have what was written originally, no more and no less. Thankfully, none of these questionable phrases or words affect any doctrinal positions of the Bible. Even if the word “apostle” should not be connected to this passage (even though the evidence seems to point in the other direction), Mark will undisputedly use the word apostles of these guys in chapter 6. This is also backed up by multitudes of other passages throughout the New Testament. The 12 Disciples were also called to become the 12 Apostles.
Before we look at the names that are listed, we should note that it says that these men are those that Jesus wanted. We should not rush by that statement. It is his choice; and when you analyze his choices, you find them to be revealing. None of these men are professionally trained in the Scriptures. They are also mostly lower class (although Matthew does represent the wealthy). Even in Matthew’s case, his wealth is attained through taxation and therefore makes him an outcast to his people. They all are from a rural area of Israel, and all from Galilee except for Judas Iscariot. He is the only man from Judah picked and his name is also the Greek form of the Hebrew name Judah. Still he is “Iscariot.” This is a Greek transliteration of the Hebrew Ish Kerioth, or man of Kerioth (a rural town in Judah). When you connect all of this to the New Testament theme that Jesus calls those who are not always the greatest and wisest of this world, you begin to get the picture. The greatest and wisest of this world are often so full of themselves that there is no room for God. Also, God purposefully operates in a way that the simplest among us can understand and come to Him for salvation (not to say that The Twelve were simple-minded). This is counter to the operations of the great in our world today. Those who wish to create great organizations look for the brightest stars to work for them, but Jesus calls those who are not the brightest stars.
So, what is an Apostle anyways? In the vernacular of the day, they would be official representatives of Jesus, at least when he is not available. They would be his “sent ones.” The main purpose of this appointment would be evident after the ascension of Jesus. The text tells us that these apostles would be with Jesus (everywhere he went). Thus, they would be eye-witnesses of all the miracles that he did and the teachings that he delivered. They would also be eye-witnesses of the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus. They would represent a solid foundational witness that would stand the test of time. In this sense there are no apostles today. We operate on the foundation built by Jesus and his apostles, once and for all, in the first century.
1 Corinthians 15:1-11 is a better place where the Apostle Paul takes time to describe and explain the appointing of the apostles. They were those who were eye-witnesses of the post-resurrection appearances and had been given the Gospel directly from Jesus. In fact, Hebrews 3:1 tells us that Jesus is the Apostle and High Priest of our faith. Just as the father sent Jesus to the world, so Jesus was sending his apostles to continue his work to the ends of the earth.
Now, I know that there is a lot of controversy in the Church today over whether or not there are still apostles today, and in what sense. There is a good article online at the Assemblies of God website: This should walk you through all of the pertinent issues and is well-balanced.
Mark emphasizes their closeness to Jesus (as opposed to the many other disciples who did not travel everywhere with Jesus). These guys would have the most time with Jesus compared to anyone else. He would explain things to them that he may not have explained to the crowds. This would enable them to accurately preach, or proclaim, what Jesus wanted them to teach. The Kingdom of Heaven was here, and whosoever will could join and become a part of it. Always remember that proclaiming the truth for Jesus begins with first spending time with him, through his Word and spiritually in prayer.
They were also going to be given power to heal and cast out demons. This demonstrates the power of Christ in regards to physical matters and spiritual matters. They would truly operate under and in his authority. This would be especially important as the Gospel was taken to the nations. These nations represented the territory of the spiritual enemies of Christ and his people. The apostles were the tip of the spear of Christ’s invasion of the spiritual kingdom that Satan had amassed over the years.
So just who were these guys? The apostle Peter is actually named Simon and Jesus has given him the nickname Peter, which means rock. Yes, Peter may have been the original Rocky! Jesus also gave nicknames to the two sons of Zebedee, James and John. They are called the Sons of Thunder. Boanerges is a Greek spelling of an Aramaic compound word. We can also notice that there is another James in the list, the son of Alphaeus. He is sometimes called James the Lesser. There is another Simon who is a Cananite. This is not a reference to Canaan (notice the two a’s in a row). It was a word that was used of a group of Zealots who resisted and plotted against Rome. Lastly, we have the infamous Judas Iscariot. He would be the one who would betray Jesus and then go on to commit suicide. He is replaced in Acts 1 by Matthias. Yes, Jesus knew very well that he had chosen a guy who would one day betray him, but that was part of the plan.
Challenges to his authority occurred
Jesus had far more authority than people could really accept. He literally is the One who had given the Law and had brought Israel into the Land of Canaan, but that is another story. So in these verses, we see several challenges to what Jesus was doing.
First, there is a challenge mentioned from his own family (this is what is meant by “his own people.”) It could mean those who are from his clan, but most likely meant his immediate family. The question here is that they think Jesus is out of his mind. Perhaps it was the continual traveling around causing disruption with great crowds of people. Perhaps it was the way in which he didn’t fit in with the religious establishment. We don’t know exactly what bothered them, except the fact that they don’t understand and spiritually are not in the right place.
Let that be a lesson to us. Sometimes those closest to us can resist the work of God in our life the most. This is not always true, but it often can be. Don’t be that type of person that holds people back from what God is doing, out of your own fears. Make sure that you are following God and then you will be in a good position to help others to do so. Yet, even then, remember that you are not God. Leave room for the Holy Spirit to operate in the lives of your loved ones.
Now, recognize that this passage is not supporting crazy actions. Jesus was not climbing up on top of the temple and casting himself to the ground. Rather, it is showing that what Jesus was doing was far outside the normal, and thus, it was hard to accept for many, including his own family.
The second attack on his authority in this passage is from the scribes who are experts in The Law. They come down from the big city and proclaim that these country bumpkins are being taken in by a charlatan. They claim that Jesus is able to cast out demons because he is in league with Beellzebub, which was an Aramaic term for the “Lord of the flies,” (aka, the lord of the demons).
However, Jesus sets the record straight. He first points out that Satan is not going to cast himself out (that is cast out demons who are there doing his bidding and extending his kingdom). Clearly, Jesus sees Satan as the head honcho of an evil, spiritual kingdom that had been set up on this earth. No general or king gives up their territory of authority without it being taken from them in some way, which leads to the next point.
Jesus makes it clear that he is casting out demons because he has first “bound the strong man.” He has somehow put Satan in bonds and thus can go out and mop up his territory at will. So, what does Jesus mean by binding Satan?
Revelation 20 speaks of a time when Satan will be captured and bound in the bottomless pit for 1,000 years. He is then going to be released for a short time before he is recaptured and thrown into the Lake of Fire, never to return again. Of course, Jesus cannot be talking about this actual removal of Satan from earth because the apostles later warn believers to be aware of Satan and his tactics, i.e. he is not bound up yet. 1 Peter 5:8, “Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” So, we can call this the ultimate binding of Satan and it is not what Jesus means.
The binding is in his own life. The gospels all point out that the first thing Jesus does in his ministry is to go into the wilderness, where he is tempted by the devil. Jesus thwarts Satan’s every attempt to bring him under his control. That is why Jesus later says in John 14:30 that the ruler of this world is coming, but “he has nothing in me.” So, Jesus has bound Satan in his own life by countering each temptation and spiritual attack. Notice that most people are not possessed by a demon. However, if we are to set other people free from the bonds of sin that Satan has used to bind them, t hen we must first bind Satan’s work in our own life. It is only by the power of the Holy Spirit and looking to Jesus Christ that we can overcome the enemy and then plunder his kingdom.
So, as we close this morning, just remember that Christ calls all of his believers to be learners or students of his word. He also calls us to pick up the work that the apostles began and go to the world with the good news of the person and work of Jesus Christ. He is God’s answer for the problem of sin in this world. Put your faith in him today.
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