Checkmate and the Rulers of this Age
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1 Corinthians 2:6-12. This sermon was preached by Pastor Marty Bonner on April 23, 2017.
In the game of Chess many different strategies can be employed, both defensive and offensive. Regardless of how sophisticated a strategy may be, the proof of one’s superior ability is to put the other player’s King in a conquered position called checkmate. They have no moves available to keep the opponent’s next move from taking their King. Now, in using this illustration, I do not want to give the impression that the Devil is God’s equal in a cosmic game of Chess. However, we do need to understand that the Devil has made many tactical blunders throughout the course of history, first of which is his choice to rebel against the Creator.
In our passage today we see that the cross may not have been the checkmate per se. However, it was an irrecoverable error and all moves since are moving towards an inevitable checkmate in which he is out of moves. Even the moves he employs since the cross are only possible because God is giving time for pawns on the Devil’s side to rebel against the rebel and come back to the Creator. So the real question today is not so much how many moves or time is left. Rather, the pertinent question is this, “Which side are you on?” Are you on the side of the Father and His Son, Jesus? Or, are you on the side of the Devil and his angels? Let’s look at our passage today.
Jesus and the Crucifixion are God’s Wisdom
We are going to focus on verses 6-8, but to do that I want to point out verse 2 of this chapter. Paul told the Corinthians that when he was among them he was “determined not to know anything among you except, Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” The distinction is important because Jesus is the wisdom of God both in his being, and in his doing. He is the wisdom of God before He ever opens His mouth. When He speaks we are receiving the very wisdom of God. And, when he acts, the decisions that he makes and the things that he goes through, are all part of demonstrating the wisdom of God. Now, no matter how Christians want to be perceived by the world, we must hold firmly to this foundational understanding: God’s wisdom is very different from the world’s wisdom. Not only this, but the world’s wisdom will never accept the wisdom of God in Jesus. Yes, it may take hold of it and twist it into something and someone different, so as to embrace it. But it will always be an idol of their making and just as vain.
Paul wanted the Corinthians and us to understand that the rulers of this age were ignorant of the amazingly wise thing that God was doing in Jesus. The Corinthians had embraced Jesus, but held onto wisdom and pathways of thinking that came from the rulers of this age. You can’t keep the wisdom of this age and really follow Jesus. The word translated as “ruler” here is used of both earthly and heavenly beings. Now a human interpretation of this term would most likely be true. If Caiaphas, Pilate, et al, had known what they were doing they wouldn’t have crucified Jesus. However, there is very good reason to believe that Paul is also speaking of the Devil and his angels. They are the true rulers of this age. What evidence leads me to believe this? First of all, Jesus often references the spiritual powers that were working. In the Gospel of John he references the “ruler of this world” that was coming,” and who was about to be “cast out.” Paul in Ephesians 2:1-2 says, “And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the ruler of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience.” This “ruler” is clearly a spirit being and only ruling in the air as opposed to the heavenlies. Later in Ephesians 6 Paul speaks further, “Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Again Paul is clear that these rulers are not flesh and blood, but rather spiritual hosts of wickedness. There is another reason to recognize the spiritual rulers being referenced in this passage. The “fallen angels,” as they are often called, operate in rebellion to the God of heaven. As such, they have historically promoted an alternate wisdom to mankind. As the serpent twists the truth in order to bring Eve into an alternate understanding, so they have always twisted the truth and used a wisdom that is particular to them in order to manipulate mankind. The ancient nations even bragged that their wisdom was from the “gods” and their rulers were “demi-gods.” The Corinthian culture is part and parcel with this Gentile penchant to be enamored with the wisdom and philosophy of the gods they served. Paul is showing the Corinthians that these great “gods” were ignorant and so were the human rulers who were leaning on their wisdom. They are not ignorant of everything. Rather they are ignorant of the wisdom of God found in Jesus. The spirits at least knew who Jesus was, and they knew that he was there to fight them. But they did not understand how he was going to bring about the kingdom of God. This was a mystery. Yes, the wisdom of this world is vast and immense. But, in the end, it is at war against the wisdom of the God of heaven. More than that, it does not lead mankind to utopia or salvation. It leads us to fight against what will save us, the wisdom of God. Thus the wisdom of these great spiritual rulers has led them to a tactical blunder that will lead to their eventual checkmate. The Book of Revelation makes clear that their end is the Lake of Fire, as does Jesus in Matthew 25:41.
Why were these great angels ignorant? Paul states that it was a hidden mystery that God had kept from the very beginning. The incarnation of the Son of God and his substitutionary death had been kept secret from the devil. He had no idea that Jesus wanted to be killed and that it was part of his plan. By crucifying Jesus, he and his angels commit a capital offense and bring a capital judgment upon themselves and those humans who join them. From the Garden of Eden on, they have abused the knowledge that God had allowed them to know. In Job 38 we are told that the Sons of God shouted for joy when the foundations of the earth were laid. Thus, the “angels” who are called “Sons of God” were created and present for the creation. The extra-biblical, book called 1 Enoch, which is quoted by Jude and Peter in the Bible, pointed out their involvement in the pre-flood world. The fallen angels had taught mankind technological arts and used them to pervert mankind away from God. Thus the weapons of warfare and the arts of seduction (clothing, adornment, and make-up) came from these technologies. As I said before, the post flood cultures bragged that this information had survived and was the reason for their greatness. Yet, God had hidden certain things concerning salvation from them. They don’t know everything. They are not God. He most likely hid it because He knew that there would be a rebellion. So what can we learn from this? We can learn to be confident in the wisdom of God, and we can remain humble before the world. Yes, we know the mystery of the incarnation and the cross. But, what more do we not know? This is not a time for arrogance, but rather humility.
I would also point out that technology is not itself the problem. We see this today. Technology can be used for good or for evil. However, we need to understand that the drive behind increasing technology comes from a manipulative, spiritual origin. When man is in rebellion to God, no amount of technology can save him. In fact, it will only make things worse.
Paul also points out the ancient origins of this mystery. Although I have already spoken to this fact, I would remind us of a couple of verses in the New Testament. 1 Peter 1:19-20 says, “… the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot. He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you.” Revelation 13:8 says, “All who dwell on the earth will worship him [the wild beast], whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world.” Notice that the crucifixion and subsequent resurrection were always the plan. Even before He started Creation, God had already planned to save mankind. In the unseen councils of the Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have agreed to the plan of the cross, which condemns all wickedness and redeems all who will humble themselves and put their faith in Jesus.
Verses 9-12, bring this to a point. Jesus and the Gospel have been revealed to mankind by the Holy Spirit. The mysteries of God and the wisdom of God that had been made known through the Apostles had its source in the Holy Spirit of God, and not the evil spirits of the Gentile nations. The Corinthians were trying to follow the man Jesus on the outside all the while listening to the wisdom of evil spirits on the inside. This will never work. In fact, all Christians of every generation have had to wrestle with this tendency. American Christians today wrestle with following Jesus while keeping a cultural wisdom that has its source in evil spirits. The same is true of any other nation as well. The wisdom of God has been given to all mankind through the man Jesus and by the Holy Spirit of God. With it we are able to spoil the greatest beings of the universe outside of God. We can be saved, seeing through their lies and the destructive tendency of their wisdom. We can deliver ourselves and rescue others. We have everything that we need to know for this age. Sure, God has things prepared for the age to come, after Jesus comes back. Until then, we can be confident in what God has given us now. But if we choose the path of arrogance and a particular fascination with demonic wisdom then we will find ourselves in the same plight as the Jewish leaders in the first century. So we end with the question, “From what spirit are you getting your wisdom?” The answer to this makes the difference between death and life.