Serving Selflessly
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John 13:1-17. This sermon was preached by Pastor Marty Bonner on March 5, 2017.
As we continue talking about the purpose that Jesus has for His people and His Church, we have adopted the phrase, “Connecting people to the Abundant Life found in Jesus.” So our purpose begins with connecting to Jesus and His people, and then moves to growing spiritually to be like Jesus. Part of spiritual growth is being used by God to serve other believers and in a manner that is not for selfish reasons. One thing you may notice is that each of these is simply an extension of the initial connection to Jesus. So it may be better to think of them as facets of the main purpose of coming into relationship with God.
In our passage today, we will look at a very critical act that Jesus did on the night that he was going to be betrayed. In this act of service, Jesus removes all doubt as to what God is saying to those who want to be his disciples. In essence God is asking us to prove our love for Him by serving His people, our brothers and sisters. Because of our Christian background, Americans often speak of politicians and social leaders as public servants. However, it is clear that most are not serving for the sake of the public. They are more concerned with their own station in life and honor among men, than they are about what will really serve the people. Today’s passage will show the heart of service. Next week we will look at the practical side of what it means to serve.
The love of Jesus caused him to serve
This story of how Jesus washed the feet of his disciples is a powerful one that is intended to challenge those who would want to follow him. But, before we look at the act itself, let’s look at the context in which this service takes place. Verse 1 emphasizes that Jesus knew it was his time. He was about to leave the disciples, and they would have to go on without his physical presence. This makes his action here critical because it represents what is most important to him. Verse 2 also tells us that Jesus knew that the betrayal was already in motion. His arrest was only hours away and by noon the next day he would be executed. These were his last moments of physical freedom. Lastly, verse 3 points out that Jesus knew that everything was in his hands. Now in Matthew 28:18 Jesus says, “All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth.” This means that Jesus was not a victim as he went to the cross, but a victor. Not only did he have authority over those who thought they had authority over him, but it was in his hands what to do. Yes, Jesus came for the purpose of dying on the cross, being resurrected and leading many sons to righteousness. However, his prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, just moments after this event, makes it clear that he had a choice. Jesus asks for the cup to be taken from him and yet, surrenders to the will of the Father. What we see here is that though the Spirit of Christ was unified with the will of the Father, the flesh body was shrinking back from the cross. The Father would not force His Son to do this. It had to be the choice of Jesus and not just in his invulnerable, past existence. In the moment of weak flesh he had to choose freely to save mankind. Imagine if all authority and choice was given to you today. What would your choice be? In this situation Jesus chose to wash his disciple’s feet and to go to the cross for mankind. This is a powerful statement.
When we look at the descriptions regarding this service, two poignant phrases stick out. The first is at the end of verse 1, “He loved them to the end.” This was an act of teaching, but it was also an act of love. It was a divine, supreme act of love that would help them to better understand the cross and God’s will for them in the months and years ahead. Service cannot be just an act. It truly must be fueled by and informed by the love of God. Too often we allow our service to become an identifying thing that we do, and lose sight of love for the people we are serving. Another aspect to recognize is how John builds up to this act. He stipulates all the things Jesus knew and how it was all in his hands, which lead up to the climax of “then he arose from supper, laid aside his garments, took a towel and girded himself.” The statement itself would be anticlimactic to anyone who was looking to Jesus as Messiah. I believe John intends this statement and the actions of Jesus to be shocking. It is easy for us to miss this because we have grown up in a society that takes this for granted. We must understand that the love of God is far more radical and shocking than we can ever completely understand. Jesus hanging on the cross was the exact opposite picture anyone expected to see of the savior of the world. Let’s face it; even now we do not completely understand the love of God and the depths to which it leads him to go in order to serve mankind. So, when I try to follow Jesus and serve others, I will find myself needing to grow in the ability to love at such a shocking level.
We are challenged by the service of Jesus
Peter often becomes the vehicle through which we get to see ourselves. So in verses 6-8, the shocking actions of Jesus bother Peter. He balks at what Jesus is doing and had earlier rebuked Jesus for saying that he would be executed. This is the very nature of even the most loyal disciple. Our hearts are challenged and even made afraid by what Jesus does and calls us to do.
So what is at the heart of this issue? Perhaps it is our pride. Peter’s pride in his station as a close disciple to the Messiah of Israel (maybe even #1 disciple), shrinks back from this menial service that Jesus does. Jesus is supposed to be the greatest and highest person in all of Israel. But here he takes on a task that only the lowest servant would perform. This is unthinkable to him because of his pride. Leaders, beware of followers who tell you that certain things are beneath you. They are not being led by the wisdom of God, but the fear of prideful flesh. Peter was so proud of being there that he forgot to wash his own feet. His joy of being in the presence of Jesus had overwhelmed his self-awareness that his feet were filthy. This is such a powerful picture of our desire to follow Jesus. We get so caught up in the wonder of it all that we can miss areas of our life that need cleaned up. Even so, if Jesus wanted their feet cleaned, he should command one of them to do it, right? In Peter’s mind the lowest of them all should be the one washing feet, not Jesus (and most likely not him). This is precisely why Jesus had to wash their feet. He had to break their pride. But he doesn’t do it like the leaders of this world do it. The leaders of this world command you to do the most menial tasks until your pride is wore down. But Jesus does the menial task himself and then asks them to love one another as he has loved them. He leads the way, and not as one who does so once and never humbles himself again. The cross shows us that all of the life of Jesus was one long humbling of the highest being in the universe. Can we not see that God has no pride? We must see our own shrinkage from service and its foreign mindset in Peter’s actions. We must also ask the Lord to transform our mind and heart in this area.
Another point I would like to make about Peter’s refusal is that it is God who defines how we need to be served. Peter does not want to let Jesus feet. When others serve us we are often uncomfortable. We tend to want to control how it is done. We can be guilty of trying to tell God exactly how He should do things. But the reality is that we don’t have a clue what we need and what He should be doing. The Church has struggled over this question, “What do people really need.” Especially in America, we have developed two different approaches over the years. The first is called the “Pie in the Sky” Gospel. This approach says that people really only need their spirit’s saved and the flesh is immaterial. Thus, people who preached to the homeless would promise that in heaven you will have all the things you didn’t on earth. Instead of helping materially they only helped spiritually. The cynicism of the people being served led to some Christians then going to the other extreme. This led to what is called the “Social Gospel.” They tended to focus so much on the physical needs of the poor at the expense of the spiritual message of Jesus. It almost becomes a badge of nobility to feed a poor man and not tell him the gospel, so that you are not manipulating them. Yet, Jesus does both within hours. He washes their feet, a very physical service, and then dies on the cross for their sins, a very spiritual service. In truth we need both. Yes, we could accuse Jesus of trying to manipulate us by dying on a cross. But in the end it is a reality that we have to deal with. Was Jesus manipulating or loving? When we serve, we must be aware of the physical nature of those we serve and yet the spiritual side. Not all will receive what you do and may even cast aspersions on your motives. Nevertheless, it is not wise to let those being served to dictate how we serve them. We serve people because God loves them and it is He who directs us on how they need served.
In verse 9 and following the scene comes to a conclusion with Jesus explaining why he did what he did. In verse 14 the word “ought” should slam into the pit of our stomach like a ton of bricks. It comes from a word that has the idea of owing a debt that you are obligated to pay back. Thus, it came to be used for social and moral obligations. If the master did this lowly service, then by definition his disciples are obligated to keep themselves beneath him in station. To not lower myself is more than an act of rebellion, but even an act of rejection. In this act of service and the cross that follows, Jesus forever undercuts the protest, “You couldn’t expect me to do that!” No, such a statement is hollow when you recognize the wisdom of Jesus. We are precisely obligated to serve one another because our Lord and master served us. But our obligation is not just on a moral level. We say that we love God, but in this moment God shows the very depths of his heart. He is not trying to be on top, and is not filled with pride. He is willing to lower himself to the lowest place and serve. So, the question then is, “Having received such a glimpse into the depths of His heart, do you still love Him?” Christians are those who have discovered the shocking truth about the God who created all things and have chosen to follow him. How can we not but serve?
Then in verse 17 Jesus slams the point home. Blessed are you if you know these things and do them. Today you have been made aware of these things. Now, what are you going to do with them? This is not just about washing feet. It was a need within their immediate context. What are the needs in our context? What ways can I serve others for God? In fact, it would be good for me to spend some time in prayer asking the Lord to give me His thinking on this subject. Service is the key to blessing.
One of our problems in the Western world is that we make service sound noble. I am not saying that it isn’t noble in some ways. However, it is also humiliating and hard on our flesh in other ways. Service by its very nature is not a noble thing, but it is a God thing. Jesus washing the dirty, stinky feet of his disciples was not fun. But it was necessary for them. Similarly, trying to love another person and serve them can be some of the most difficult times of your life, and yet God asks us to do it. Yes, it is noble, but the nobility is not what we feel when we truly start serving others. We can tell young men of the noble act of dying so that other may be free. But, when they are in the trenches and their friends are dying around them, it will feel like anything but nobility. No, service that is not self-serving (a.k.a. I am getting noticed and good press) will try your soul like a furnace. But in the end you will come forth like pure gold refined in the fire seven times.