The Test of Freedom
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July 5, 2015--Luke 18:31-34
This sermon was preached by Pastor Marty Bonner. The following is only a summary of it. Please click the audio link at the end of the article to listen to it.
This weekend we are celebrating 239 years since our declaration of independence from King George of the British Empire in A.D. 1776. Looking back, we can see how that freedom has been tested in many different ways over the centuries. First it was tested by the War of Independence itself. Once that test had been passed we were tested on whether or not we could govern ourselves. This gave rise to the constitution in 1789. Of course other tests involved the Civil War in the 1800's, our rise as a global economic power since WWII, and throughout the last 70 years the test of our spiritual and moral fortitude. Freedom is not a right we can demand. It is a condition we can enjoy, but will always be tested. Our founding fathers believed that it was the right of all men to be free simply because they are created by God and He intends them to be free. Do we still believe that?
The story of the Bible is one of the enslavement of men and God’s consequent work to free men from it. It is not God who enslaves us. We are enslaved by our own sins to do the will of the devil. Jesus in John 8:36 tells us, “if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” We also see in the Bible, 2 Cor 3:17, “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” Whether or not America will pass the tests of today and remain free, every believer in Jesus needs to recognize that, regardless of society, they can remain free as individuals who have embraced Jesus, the only true source of freedom.
Jesus frees us to trust God
In Luke 18:31-34 we see that the disciples did not really understand the plan and purposes of God in Jesus. In retrospect we can see it is all about freedom, but for them it looked like Jesus was refusing to free them. The interaction of Jesus with the rich man earlier in this chapter is ultimately about a man enslaved by trust in his wealth, rather than God. Thus Jesus calls this man to embrace freedom and let go of his slavery. Of course he walks away sad because he is not sure he wants to be free from what enslaves him. He would rather have both. I want to have my cake and eat it too. However, freedom often requires us to choose what we want more.
The call to freedom comes from Jesus to whoever will listen. Leave everything else behind and follow me. Peter recognizes that they had done that in verse 28. The disciples had successfully navigated the test that the rich man failed (at least in this moment). Jesus of course recognized that what Peter says is true. In fact the things they have lost have been replaced with something that is more and yet different, as Pastor Nick shared with us last week. Though they left their families and jobs behind, Jesus had made them part of a new family with a new job. They had trusted God and wanted Him more than their previous lives.
Yet something else needed to happen. Jesus is not just a way of looking at the world and living life. He had to do a real work of freeing us from the guilt and judgment of our sins. Thus Jesus takes the 12 aside in order to remind them where he was headed, that is the cross. Our sins keep us from freedom by leading us off the path of trusting God’s way. No matter how much we want to be with God the desires of our flesh continually pull us away from God and separate us from Him. They also keep us from freedom by the guilt and judgment that stands in the way of getting back on God’s path. Jesus is not just our great example. He is that and much more. He is also our Sin Remover; our Punishment Surrogate; our Willing Scapegoat. He sacrificed himself for our freedom. Thus, it is one thing to embrace Jesus as a means of having a wonderful life. It is quite another to follow Him through the cross and to the other side.
To stay free is to keep trusting God
Once having been given freedom it is important to hold on to it. Your flesh, the world, & the devil fight against that freedom. The only way to retain freedom is to keep trusting God. "He who endures until the end shall be saved." The endurance here is not about human strength, but about faith. If we hold our faith in God and His Son, Jesus, we will remain in His freedom.
Our faith is never more tested than when we have to walk a difficult path and endure the hostility of sinners. Jesus takes time to point them to the hostilities and difficulties that lie ahead. This is the 3rd time Luke records Jesus telling them about the difficult death ahead of him. Yes, we are tested in just taking hold of the call to freedom. But we are also tested in the holding on to it. Difficult paths can cause us to shrink away from freedom and retreat back into the slavery of self-life. Jesus warned his disciples that to follow him, they would need to pick up their own cross. Difficult times lay ahead. In fact he would be mocked, insulted, spit upon, scourged, and killed. They would not stand by him in his darkest hour, which would become a guilt and shame hanging over their head. These things would test them severely. What are we willing to endure in order to retain freedom as an individual? As a nation? The Israelites of the first century A.D. had a choice to make. They could cling to the hope of national freedom of Israel, or they could let go of it and obtain the freedom that no dictator or terrorist can take away; freedom in Jesus. Is there a hope for freedom of America in the days ahead? As long as there is a God there is hope. However, even nations can cross lines that bring about the judgment of God. Yet, even if this nation is without hope of turning back, we as individuals must stand with Joshua and say, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." We cannot lose the greater in trying to keep the lesser. Perhaps the time has come for American Christians to make a choice. Is your love for this country greater than your love for Jesus? It is easy to conflate the two.
So how can one remain free when faced with such choices? Ultimately freedom was won by the sacrifice of Jesus on our behalf. In a similar manner, the natural freedom of our nation was won by the sacrifice of men and women who put their lives on the line. This principle cannot be avoided: freedom is only maintained by sacrifice. As Christians we follow a Lord who sacrificed earthly glory in order to give us true freedom. So how can I put my life on the line for this nation? Yes we can join militaries and police forces and fight against evil. But even that finds a dead end when whole nations embrace wickedness and reject God. The way of the cross has never been about saving the body of a man or the body politic of a nation. Jesus and his disciples are our model. They did not shrink back because the path was difficult. Rather, they pushed ahead even to the point of laying down their lives as fishermen and Israelites. They did this for themselves but also for the sake of those who would follow behind them. They wanted others to be free.
When you trust God it does not mean the path will be easy. But God has always aided His people against the forces of tyranny. Even when those forces seem invincible. He has pledged to free the world from this age of the darkness of man’s rebellion and the tyranny that forever chases us like a howling wolf. We must trust that. We must pick up our cross and follow Him. Let’s be the light in this dark and perverse generation so that some may believe and find freedom.