Jesus The Faithful Son
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It is easy to think of the baby Jesus in simple loving terms. However, that little baby was more than just the beginning of something. In that moment of visibility we are able to see something that had began before creation. In Revelation 13:8 we are told that Jesus was “slain from the foundation of the world.” That means that before creation was begun, the Father and the Son had agreed to the plan that required the Son to take on the nature of a man and pay the price for the sins of mankind. His birth was a beginning but not. An example of this is when the Allied troops landed on the beaches of Normandy. It was a beginning, but a lot of things happened before that which may or may not have been clear to the French. Planning, moving of troops and assets all had to be worked out before that visible moment of troops landing. In the same way the little baby Jesus was the divine presence making its own landing on the beachhead of humanity. Much planning and prepositioning of assets had happened up to this point. This is an eternal plan reaching a critical and visible point. Jesus could have been born to Abram and Sarah. They received a “miracle child.” However God knew that Jesus’ birth would not be understood and would not help mankind without a lot of teaching.
Let’s look at Hebrews chapter 3 as we focus on the coming of Jesus.
Jesus Comes As The Faithful Son Of God
The writer of Hebrews is writing to people who thought very highly of Moses. He points out that Jesus comes in a way that is similar to Moses and yet much more glorious. Thus in the first 2 verses we see that the Father has appointed the Son to be the apostle and high priest of our confession. As apostle, he is the one sent by the Father to make the gospel known. As high priest he is the one who mediates between God and man. He directs and accomplishes the sacrifice needed to cover sins. Thus the little baby has quite the job to do. The word confession refers to our statement of faith in Jesus and the gospel. Thus it literally means to speak the same thing. This is an important thing for new believers to understand in this day and age. We are called to embrace the same Truth that the Prime Apostle, Jesus, handed down to his apostles. If we do not “speak the same thing” as them, then we are departing from the good confession.
Jesus had agreed to fulfill this mission in eternity past, before the world was created. All of history was leading up to this moment that had been prophesied, a day of salvation and healing for mankind.
Jesus Is The One Worthy Of Glory
It is difficult to imagine the boundless glory of God taking up residence within a human body. This is the realm of Movies and Marvel comics. Jesus looked like any other baby, but there was something different about him. In him dwelt the divine being that had been involved in the creation of all things that existed. Not only that, but in verse 5 the writer points out that Moses served as a servant in God’s house. However, Jesus comes forth as the Son to build his own house. Thus the glory of Moses that Israel so often referred to was nothing compared to the glory of the Son who had come down to build his own house. Moses’ life and activity was a witness and example of what Jesus would come and do. Just as Moses called the people to leave Egypt and follow him into the desert until God led them to a Promised Land, so Jesus calls us out of the world to follow him into the desert where he promises to lead us to the promised end of the Father. The Church is the “house” that belongs to Jesus. We are his body and the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Jesus takes the believing remnant of natural Israel and he combines them with a believing remnant of the Gentile nations to create a new house, the Church. Those who believe have a part, a share, a portion in this endeavor that has been set aside for them.
To Reject Jesus Is To Forfeit A Share In Him
The rest of the chapter focuses on the danger of missing who Jesus is and falling away from faith in him. Let me just say that many get bogged down in trying to determine whether those who “fall away” ever believed or not. Whole systematic theologies have been built up through trying to fill in all the gaps that exist within the teaching of Scripture. So I challenge you with this. Regardless what your systematic theology, do not let it distract from the warning that is given here in God’s Word. The Holy Spirit clearly warns us of danger and we need to treat it as so. The word Beware in verse 12 is literally “watch,” or “look.” Jesus had warned his disciples at the last supper that he was going to be put to death. He warned them again in the garden. In fact he told them to “watch and pray” so that they might not fall into temptation. Watching is not just about looking outward to the world. Often it is looking into our heart before God in prayer. It is where we confess before God the weakness of our flesh and pray for power to obey the Spirit. Prayer is ultimately watching and guarding our heart. What we are watching out for is an unbelieving heart that causes us to “depart” from God. We see that at Jesus’ trial and crucifixion. His disciples were afraid and departed from him. They failed to stand with him, even though their spirit wanted to. They learned to lean upon the Holy Spirit and guard their hearts against the desires of the flesh. We can fail here just as easily. The Bible warns of an end times apostasy in 2 Thessalonians 2:3. IF we do not guard our hearts and watch our souls in prayer then we will not pass the trials of this life. But if we believe to the end, vs. 14, we will be saved. Notice the emphasis is on the belief and not so much works. Belief will always lead to real works. But the lack of belief can be masked by false works of pretence. In fact Jesus had commanded them in Luke 21:1 to take possession of their souls by patience. Trust God and wait upon him. Don’t get to over thinking things and desire to go back to Egypt (the world). We are warned in vs. 13 of Hebrews 3 that sin is deceitful. It lies to us and manipulates our flesh to self-justify that which endangers our soul. It is a process that dulls our senses and saps us of strength. This is precisely what we combat when we watch in prayer over our souls. A hardened heart will refuse to follow Jesus at the time that it matters most.
Final Thoughts
God has made a place for you before everything was created. He even knows the place that “could have been” for those who refuse to believe. Don’t let yourself be pulled away from it. Satan does not want you to take your place in the Church of Jesus and neither does he want you to receive your portion in the Age that is to come. If we let ourselves be deceived and live for the flesh now, it will be harder to follow Jesus later. God has set us up for success, but we can squander that and set ourselves up for failure. God help us all to be faithful until the end. Blessings.
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