The Lord of the Sabbath
Today we are going to look at Luke 6:1-5. At issue in this portion of Scripture is a legal issue regarding the Sabbath day under the Law of Moses. Now the term “Sabbath” means to rest or cease an activity. It is a reference to the Creation, in which God created all things in six days. The seventh day becomes the day on which He ceased the activity of creation or rested from creating. This is where we get our idea of a 7 day week with at least one day off for rest.
There is no indication that this was ritually observed before the flood. But in the Law of Moses God commands Israel to do no work on the seventh day. In fact the Old Testament refers to these days of rest as something God was giving Israel. They were God’s rests that He was giving to Israel. In other words, by resting on this day and worshipping God they were demonstrating their trust in God to take care of them. The natural desire to keep working out of fear for the future is counteracted with God’s offer of rest. If they trusted Him He would ensure that they had enough. Thus Sabbath day was intended to not just be a day of physical rest, but also a day of emotional, psychological rest. However, it is in the New Testament that we begin to see that this day of rest also has a spiritual application. Thus Scripture declares that there is “no peace for the wicked.” (Isaiah 57:21) The wicked may be able to rest physically and even emotionally. But spiritually they would have no rest or peace with God.
So let’s look at this event and see who Jesus really is.
Picking Food On The Sabbath
In verses 1-2 we are told that it is a Sabbath day and that Jesus and His disciples walked through a grain field. The disciples were picking grain, rubbing it in their hand to remove the outer shell, and eating it. No doubt the discussion with the Pharisees takes place when they reach a town, either outside of it or inside. They probably see the group approach from out of the fields and notice the “infraction” in the hands of the disciples. Now we might be tempted to think that the problem is one of stealing. However, in Israel, as long as you weren’t trying to harvest for yourself, it was not considered stealing to pick a fruit or pick some grain on your way through your neighbor’s fields. In fact all of the land of Israel technically belonged to God. He had delegated authority over the land to the tribes who in turn divided it among the family clans. Thus there was a concept of private property. But, it was more like a manager status. The “owner” was the one who had delegated authority over the property.
No, the problem here is not stealing, but rather that what they are doing is classified as work by the teachers of Israel. Now clearly this is a stretch of the meaning of the word work. But over the years the teachers of Israel had developed a complex system of things that were considered work and things that were exceptions. The act of picking the grain and the act of rubbing it in their hands were both unapproved activities. Now this form of legal nit-picking is clearly not a thing that God likes. When we do this kind of thing we lose sight of the original intent of the law. God had a purpose in the Sabbath law, which was being buried under an avalanche of things you couldn’t do. However the opposite can be a problem as well. We can use the nit-picking of others to justify total disregard for the law. God is not a fan of that either. The Law has a purpose and should be obeyed. However, the spirit (purpose) of the law can be lost when we devolve into this form of legal nit-picking. Thus the original purpose of a speed limit was to keep traffic moving at a safe speed, not make money off of people who don’t have cruise control.
Part of the problem can be described with the term “mission-creep.” Originally this had to do with a military mission. It was common to have initial successes that lead to additional objectives being added. Over time the addition of objectives can lead to losing sight of the original mission or it can lead to objectives that directly thwart the primary objective. This happens in legal settings where the original intent of the law gets lost in attempts of politicians to push the envelope of what the words might mean for us today. Israel had experienced “tradition-creep.” Over time they had built up a tradition of what could or couldn’t be done on the Sabbath that was not in the Bible. The traditions had taken on the same force as Scripture and lost touch with the original purpose of God. The purpose of the Sabbath was to be a blessing to man, not a straight-jacket that put him in fear at every turn.
Now it would be easy to say that the Pharisee’s problem is that they are judging the disciples. But that is too simplistic. Yes, Matthew 7:1 says, “Judge not that you be not judged.” But that verse goes on to describe that the purpose of this statement is to get us to judge ourselves first so that then we will have the right spirit and ability to help our brother. In John 7:24 Jesus says, “Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.” God wants us to make good and proper distinctions in life. Yet, he doesn’t want us to have a critical spirit of others while having the opposite spirit towards ourselves. This type of prideful and spiteful judgment is displayed everyday online in the comments section of an article. It is difficult to wade through the blatant “I’m right-You’re wrong” nonsense that goes on. So finding that balance and learning to make good judgments is important and godly.
Jesus Justifies His Disciples
In verses 3-5 Jesus gives His response to the Pharisees and it has two basic points. Now, let me just say that it is nothing new to be criticized by others. Sometimes we should be criticized, yet, often critics go too far. The important thing for believers is that we recognize that Jesus is the one who justifies us (He is also the one who judges us.)
Now the first point Jesus makes is to come down to their level. They live for legal arguments, rabbinical precedents, and scriptural anecdotes. Jesus reminds them of just one of the places in the Old Testament where an exception is made for one of God’s laws. If there were exceptions being made then God’s original purpose could not have been to create a police state where everyone is forced to live in fear of getting caught breaking any one of a swelling body of traditions. Neither was God wanting to create a society of people trying to catch each other. Jesus could have skipped this argument because His second one completely wins the argument. However, it is important for us to think about this. Now the Pharisees knew that there were exceptions in the law. In fact, they had their own favorite loop-holes. Yet, in many places the Law was not as tight as their traditions had made it.
The particular story Jesus refers to has to do with David running for his life from King Saul. Without going into too much detail (you can read the story in 1 Samuel 21), David goes to the tabernacle looking for some food and weapons. The only food available is “holy” bread that had been removed from the Holy place. Technically only the priests of Aaron should eat this bread. Yet, the priest lets David have the food as long as he is ceremonially clean. In this story we see that human need took precedent over a ritual observance. The ritual of the bread was important and should be obeyed. Yet, its main purpose was to symbolically teach Israel about the holy bread of God (a picture of Jesus). When human need or human life was on the line, the ritual could be stretched. Thus we see the priest doing his best to keep the ritual (“are you ceremonially clean?”), and yet, not overlooking David’s need in a time of persecution.
We see this principle of the priority of human life over ritual throughout the Old Testament. We also see the priority of God’s purpose over the letter of the Law. David speaks of this when he says in Psalm 51, “You do not desire sacrifice, or else I would give it; You do not delight in burn offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart—these, O God, You will not despise.” David is not advocating lawlessness. However, he is recognizing that God really wanted people who had sacrificed themselves spiritually. The animals were only a symbol and a way of expressing faith in God. Thus God’s Law of the Sabbath had an original purpose. There is purpose and scope to all of the Laws of God and the person who tries to turn this passage into a license for disregarding them is being foolish.
The second argument is a form of “pulling rank.” Jesus basically says that He is in the authority over the Sabbath Law. His use of the term “son of man” is definitely referring to himself. However, it is also a reference to Daniel 7. Throughout the Old Testament “son of man” is a way of saying “human.” However, in Daniel 7, Daniel sees a particular human (son of man) who comes to God and receives the Kingdom that lasts forever. Thus “son of man” is a messianic title. The Messiah is lord of the Sabbath. In fact, the argument can be made from Scripture that it is Jesus who gave the Sabbath Law to Moses in the first place. Jesus is not saying, “He who makes the Laws can break the laws.” What He is saying is that the maker of the Law is the One who you look to do “interpret” it, not rabbinical ideas and thoughts. Moses demonstrated this during the desert. God had not given him every law all at once. When a situation came before Moses, he would go to God and pray for an answer. If God answered it would become a part of the Law. If not, then it would not. You do not add to nor subtract from God’s word. Instead of waiting for the Messiah to make problem situations clear, they had plunged ahead in their own wisdom. Jesus is basically saying, “I made this law and my intention was not to bust people for doing what these disciples are doing here.”
Now let me close by just challenging believers today. Jesus is your justifier. Sometimes those who criticize you are totally unjustified and you want to tear into them. However, you will not change their minds and only fill your heart with evil desires and thoughts. Let Jesus be your justifier. Learn to trust Him and stand with Him. Our country is becoming more and more hostile towards those who try to stand with Jesus. Just know that Jesus is your defense. If you stand with Him, you will stand in the end. But if we retreat from Jesus because of the criticism of others, then we actually cut ourselves off from the very one who can justify us. There are times when we need the criticism of others. God sometimes uses the negative feedback we get from others to show us that there is a problem. However, in both these cases, we need to look back to Jesus and work this out in our own hearts before Him.